Tuesday, January 18, 2005

MOON F#CK plays this month

MOON F#CK plays this month
Originally uploaded by totalvo.
I will be playing this month at the Lida Project theatre here in Denver Colorado..Jan 31st and Feb 1st.. after that it is off to the big multi-media conference in Baton rouge to provide Audio collage support for the poets from the University of Denver.
Here is a brief description of the event in denver

"wife,life,tripe,damnit and THAT"
A performance of electro-acoustic sounding of the unsound body
by djalma primordial science
dedicated to the spirit of Antonin Artaud
"then you will teach him to dance inside out/as in the delirium of the accordian dance/and that inside out will be his true side out"
jan 31 and feb 1 2005 8pm.
at the lida project theatre
2180 stout st ( next to the mercury cafe)
$12 303.282.0466
this evening concludes with noise by :: en.ve.lope