Friday, October 07, 2005


The new movement of web 2.0 ( here are some hacks) is something that I am trying to learn about.. This is a movement looking at sharing ideas and resources. I have been looking at this as a means of eliminating class issues. If we look at the web as a means of liberation of information from the ruling class (vector) . Information is the current capital of our economy and information (mp3's, books, academic research, scientific research). It is the goal of ruling class to control capital ; now that capital is information we can see means that the ruling class ( Corporate America) wishes to control that capital to exploit it as a resource. This is something that limits free expression for musicians, poets, writers, photographers, painters, programmers, designers you name it if you are in a field that is creates information from nothing to something or something to nothing, then that is at risk from control of ruling class. Web 2.0 is a movement started by Tim O'Reilly ( you know the books, or read a recent wired article) that asks programmers, artist, musicians creative types (well really anyone) are you tapping into someone's knowledge base ? If we rely only on our own knowledge we are of course limited, to work to understand and utilize others knowledge base is something that is transforming the web. There are Hacks of websites optimizing the databases of websites like Google maps or Amazon or eBay combining databases from multiple competing interests to meet an individuals needs, in a sense hacking the corporate model used to maximize corporate fiscal rewards, to create individual returns (what ever they may be). While some would argue that class issues do not exist, I can only say take a look at New Orleans for proof. I also want to make it clear I am not looking at economic model such as having the state take control of all property, we know this merely creates an even more oppressive class; but I am saying that we should look to the internet for solutions to some of the class issues that we currently have.