Thursday, June 23, 2005

why iam moving to pa

I am moving to PA.. to live along the banks of the mighty susquehanna river.. there i will be quiet and make even quieter music and sleep and read and fish and go for long long walks in the woods and grown vegetables and walk dogs and swim and eat good food and drink good wine from the cote du rhone region, and dream and sing and wash my face each morning new, learn about the birds in the area,the history of fish, the history of lumber and trees and bushes and how summers have changed or not the wild possums and all the mammal variteies in the wooded regions and even in the little towns and hamlets there maybe i suppose a tiny fox or racoon looking for a little food or shelter underneath a porch or a hollowed out tree. i am hoping that the future becomes the impossible and little flowers that i have planted grow to produce pollen that is carried on the feet of bees to another garden and so on and so forth until it reaches more more and more and rivers and streams and all of the tributaries in the region i want to know and the sound of one brook babbling from another and the howl of coyotes and owls....... and on and on... i am excited about moving....